Marine Veissiere Attorney at Law (MVAAL B.V.) is a law firm organised as a limited liability company (B.V.) registered at The Hague Chamber of Commerce under the KvK number 95573267.
MVAAL B.V. is based at Hartogstraat 13 A, 2514 EP The Hague, Netherlands.
Marine Veissiere has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister): International labour law. The firm does not represent clients before any national courts and jurisdictions.
All instructions are accepted and carried out pursuant to a contract for professional services, fee agreement or letter of mission.
In the event a client agreed to a fee agreement, contract for professional services or letter of mission outside the establishment of MVAAL B.V. or is concluded it remotely, for example by electronic means, the client has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the day of the conclusion of this agreement (“withdrawal period”).
The provisions of articles 7:404 and 7:407 paragraph 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code, which imposes joint liability where instruction is given to two or more persons, shall not be applicable.
MVAAL B.V. and its attorney(s) shall carry out any instruction with due care, to the best of their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
In acting upon an instruction, MVAAL B.V. and its attorney(s) is authorised to call upon the assistance and engage the services of third parties such as other attorneys, experts, bailiffs, foreign lawyers and other Dutch or foreign service providers and advisors.
If, in the context of carrying out an instruction, an event leads to the liability of one MVAAL’s attorneys, then such liability shall be limited to the amount(s) as covered by his/her professional liability insurance, including the deductible that may be carried in connection with the insurance. If, within one year upon awareness of the event having led to liability, the client has not started a claim against this attorney, he/she cannot be held liable any longer.
If, in the context of carrying out an instruction, third parties have been involved, MVAAL B.V. and its attorney(s) shall not be held liable for duties performed or not performed by said third parties.
Marine Veissiere is insured for professional liability in accordance with the relevant requirements of the French Bar Association. The insurance cover per event is limited to an amount of € 4,000,000 and the insurance policy is registered under number 118.263.720 with the insurer M.M.A as contracted by the Bar Association of Marseille. Marine Veissiere has limited her liability to the amount paid under the said insurance.
Communication between attorney(s) and clients are privileged and confidential. Nevertheless, MVAAL B.V. cannot guarantee the means of communication between MVAAL B.V. and the client or third parties. Therefore, the means of communication between MVAAL B.V. or one of its attorneys and the client or third parties, including electronic correspondence (e-mails), shall be for the risk and account of the client.
In respect of any instruction given by the client to MVAAL B.V. or one of its attorneys, the general conditions of the client, if any, shall not be applicable.
The relationship between MVAAL B.V. or one of its attorneys and its clients shall be governed by French law. Disputes which cannot be resolved amicably shall be exclusively submitted to an sole arbitrator in The Hague, The Netherlands, as defined in the retainer agreement. However, only the President of the Marseille Bar Association has jurisdiction over any dispute concerning Attorney’s ethics and fees in accordance with the rules applicable to attorney of the Marseille Bar.
MVAAL’s attorney(s) are bound by the rules and code of conduct of their respective professional orders and their rules apply consequently.
MVAAL B.V. cannot receive third-party funds.
Unless otherwise agreed, the payment term for invoices is 14 days. Invoice debtors must pay the invoiced amount in full. Payment is by bank transfer to the nominated bank account only. All bank-related fees are to be borne by the invoice debtor.
MVAAL B.V. is entitled to index its fees annually in accordance with the CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics) Consumer Price Index. This index reveals the percentage by which prices increase. When we index our rates, this takes place on 1 February. The indexation will only apply to you if you have been a client for more than 3 months at that time. If the CBS Consumer Price Index is negative, the prices will not be adjusted.
MVAAL B.V. charges administrative late fees as well as statutory interest. A late fee is added to the invoice 14 days after the date the payment term expired. Statutory interest is charged from the date the payment term expired.
The late fee is 15% (plus BTW) of the full amount of the invoice (including BTW) or a minimum of €40 (plus BTW). The late fee (plus BTW) is added to the full amount of the invoice (including BTW). The late fee covers administrative costs reasonably incurred. MVAAL B.V. is not required to prove that it incurred these costs.
The statutory interest is 12% for commercial transactions (the statutory interest rates published by the DeNederlandscheBank (DNB) from time to time) (1 January 2024).
If the extrajudicial collection of costs is required (for example through a debt collection agency), MVAAL B.V. will seek the reimbursement of such costs (s 6:96(2)(c) Netherlands Civil Code) in accordance with the graduated scale of the Collection Costs Standards Act and the accompanying Decree (1 July 2012). The minimum reimbursement is €40; the maximum reimbursement is €6.775. MVAAL is not required to prove that it incurred these costs.
MVAAL B.V. sends its invoices digitally. The clients are deemed to have accepted that they will only receive invoices digitally. The parties agree that the data from MVAAL B.V. digital accounts and invoicing system constitute conclusive evidence that the invoice in question has been sent.
In the absence of written notification of objections to an invoice within 14 days of receipt, the client shall be deemed to have accepted the invoice, as well as the underlying activities and records.
If legal action against the invoice debtor is required to obtain the full payment of invoices, MVAAL B.V. will seek the reimbursement of all costs that arise from or in relation to taking such legal action, including any costs incurred as the result of engaging third parties such as lawyers, from the invoice debtor. The minimum and maximum for the reimbursement of extrajudicial collection costs do not apply.
MVAAL B.V. may, under some circumstances, be obliged to establish the identity of the client and its representatives and to report any unusual transactions (ongebruikelijke transacties) to the authorities, for example pursuant to the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Act (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme, Wwft). The client is aware of this legal obligation.
MVAAL B.V. can amend the present General Conditions without previous notice to the clients. An updated version will automatically be available online (
MVAAL B.V. is submitted to the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 within the limit of its consistency with the privileges of the legal profession.